I am in an advanced stage and have decided to begin chemotherapy as soon as possible. I have been having lots of tests, and scans. I will have a port inserted on Sept. 11, 2014. Chemo to begin on Sept. 15, 2014. My hair is going to fall out after two treatments. There are lots of meds to take for the side effects.
After chemo, I will face surgery, but that is months away. Then radiation therapy.
This is a long journey, and I am sharing it, so maybe some good will come out of it, and maybe I can help someone else.
I am happy, I feel strong and healthy. My family and friends are rallying to tell me they are praying for me and I am not alone. I am meeting the kindest, caring people. My doctors and nurses are incredible.
I am writing a journal and reading all the literature I can about breast cancer and my treatment.
I believe that God will provide a miracle and heal me, and will meet all my needs.
There is so much joy in my life and I will focus on the love and goodness in my world and around me. It's important to me to keep positive and take care of myself. I hope my blog will be an inspiration and provide important information.
I believe in the power of prayer and I hope you will pray with me along the way.
Please keep me in your prayers!
Love, Linda
My Dear Linda,
I am so sorry to read you have breast cancer. Your courage and strength is incredible and sharing this journey will be an encouragement to all who face a huge challenge like this.
I will be keeping you in my prayers each day and I know God will surround you with the comfort and peace you need going forward. Please know, I am here if you need to vent, talk or just need a shoulder.
Wishing you much love this Christmas season and beyond.
Sending BIG HUGS your way.
Celestina Marie
p.s. thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.
Keep positive Linda, believe in your own recovery, miracles do happen, have faith my dear sister. I am preying for your recovery. God be with you through this hard time. God Bless Silent Voice.
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