Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Reflections

If the only prayer you said in your whole life 
                     was "Thank you"  that would suffice.       
               ---Meister Eckhart

How can we  ever thank Him?    For our very lives. Our sight, our senses-the tastes and sounds. Our minds and bodies.  Our families, our precious children and grandchildren and the love we share. The everyday sharing and caring that fulfills our lives. 

our granddaughters at  Ava's christening

The abundance of food we eat, our homes. All our earthly treasures,  joys and comforts, the beauty of nature in the world around us everywhere.
Friends and neighbors that add sweetness, good times and memories.   We are so blessed.
"For the earth in beauty dressed...", the words of a child's Thanksgiving song
 came to me, Can A Little Child Like Me  passing by Harper's Ferry on a recent trip
   Many  different thanksgiving days and festivals occurred through the years.  But our modern Thanksgiving  holiday was started in 1863, when  Abraham Lincoln said "It has seemed to me fit and proper that God's gifts should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged with one heart and one voice by the whole American  people ".   and so he  proclaimed a national day of  Thanksgiving,  on the fourth Thursday of November.
There is much more information about Thanksgiving origin, history, and traditions at

"And our happy holidays, ....... Father we thank thee"
Family gatherings- celebrating birthdays- grandchildren

 Let us say thank you to our God, and to each other.
Thank you to our men and women serving in our military, so we can keep on enjoying our blessings of freedom this great land.

My granddaughter is writing a thank-you letter to a soldier.

"We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing"
 The hymnal displayed is opened to songs of Thanksgiving.

  Grace isn't a little prayer you chat before receiving a meal.
    It's a way to live.  ---Jackie Windspear

      It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.  
                                                 ---Psalm 92:1

Ah!  On Thanksgiving Day...
When the care-wearied man seeks his mother once more.
And the worn matron smiles where the girl smiled before.
What moistens the lips, and what brightens the eye?
What calls back the past, like the rich pumpkin pie?
                                                   ---John Greenleaf Whittier'sFamousPumpkinPie

Lord God, heavenly Father,
Bless us and these Thy gifts
which we recieve from Thy
bountiful goodness, through
Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen

"And though I ebb in worth, I'll flow in thanks."   --- John Taylor

Love, Linda

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